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domingo, 15 de março de 2009

Have you ever...?

Here is your chance to practise your present perfect.As you listen to this song by the band "Westlife", you can read the lyrics and identify the present perfect tense.A good exercise would be to copy the lyrics to your notebook and translate them.

Resultados do Inquérito

Durante os meses de Janeiro,Fevereiro e Março, decorreu, aqui no nosso blog, um inquérito sobre as expectativas para o 2º período dos internautas da nossa escola.Daqueles que responderam, 72% estavam confiantes que tudo iria decorrer melhor do que no primeiro período. Esperemos que assim seja no final. Os professores acham que sim.

quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2009

Easter - story and traditions!

The greatest festival of the Christian church commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a movable feast; that is, it is not always held on the same date.

Easter starts before Easter Sunday – the day when Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It begins on Palm Day. Small crosses made of palm leaves are given to church-goers.

Then on Good Friday – the Friday before Easter – people in the UK eat hot-cross buns. On Easter Sunday children receive chocolate Easter eggs and play lots of Easter games.

Easter can come as early as March 22 or as late as April 25.


Many Easter customs come from the Old World.

The white lily, the symbol of the resurrection, is the special Easter flower.

Rabbits and coloured eggs have come from pagan antiquity as symbols of new life.

The Easter rabbit is a symbol of fertility, and it appears in coloured Easter eggs, originally painted with bright colours to represent the sunlight of spring, and used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. The eggs: Easter Monday egg rolling, a custom of European origin, has become a tradition on the lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C (U.S.A.)

Hot cross buns

Small round cakes containing dried fruit and spices with cross on the top.

Hot cross buns are typically eaten on Good Friday and during Lent.

quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2009

Hello and Goodbye

Hi everyone!

Passei por aqui só para desejar a toda a comunidade escolar, principalmente aos meus alunos, um resto de ano lectivo muito bom, visto que vou andar ausente durante uns tempos.

Continuem a dar o vosso melhor e nunca desistam!

Até um dia destes. Bye bye!

Your teacher,
