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Está aqui! É só desceres até ao fundo da página que vai abrir e descarregar aquilo que te for indicado.
There are more documents and presentations waiting for you on the link above.

terça-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2010

Misspelling - Erros ortográficos

Some commom words that are often misspelled can be found in this link

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010

Stop the clock!

This is an activity for the students in grade 7. However, if you are not sure about how good you are, try this game. Try to get the highest score by stopping the clock at the indicated time.
When you're ready press the title or here to play the game.

A different game is here for you to play. Start on the "easy" level.

quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

The third person singular (present simple)

Download the document by clicking on the arrow:

The History of English

Like all languages, the English language has evolved with the passing of the times.
On this link you will find a brief history of its evolution, marked by five crucial events.

segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2010

Telling the time and Daily routine

You are also going to watch some pictures that illustrate adverbs of frequency.

Products of slavery

This link will take you to a map where you can discover countries where child labour is used in many products. Click in the yellow bubbles to find out whre and what these slave children produce. You may even be using some of them.

domingo, 12 de dezembro de 2010

Child labour

Watching this video by "Radiohead" will surely make you think how lucky you are for being at school, and enjoying life with your friends.

The lyrics can be found here.

Adverbs of Frequency (How often do you...?)

What do you always do? What do you sometimes like to do?
Here is a video that can help you practise your adverbs. It will be helpful to describe your daily routine.
It's not a very easy video. So, if you need help, just ask your teacher.

quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010

The Family Tree

Para treinares as relações de parentesco, tens aqui no link, um exercício muito útil. Se não souberes, carrega em "Hint".Contudo, ao pedires ajuda, perdes pontuação.
Here is a family tree to test your knowledge about family relations.

The present simple - practice

Do you want to test you present simple? Click here and fil the gaps.
But that is not enough. There is more to do in this link.

quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2010

Second Conditional - practice

Click on the title to do some exercises using the second conditional.When you are finished, you can pratice some more if you follow this link.