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There are more documents and presentations waiting for you on the link above.

domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011

Boxing Day

Boxing Day é o termo utilizado em numerosos países anglófonos para descrever o dia seguinte ao dia de Natal (geralmente, 26 de dezembro, exceto quando 26 calha num fim de semana, sendo o Boxing Day adiado para segunda-feira). Neste dia, geralmente, o excesso de mercadorias de numerosos estabelecimentos comerciais entra em liquidação, sendo vendida por preços significantemente menores do que os preços originais. É um dos dias mais movimentados, em vendas totais, do comércio de numerosos países, notavelmente Canadá e Estados Unidos (apesar do termo Boxing Day ser raramente utilizada na última). No Reino Unido, o Boxing Day é um dia especial também é uma data comemorativa em relação ao futebol. Ocorre uma ronda completa de todos os seus campeonatos neste dia.
Em Gales há também esta tradição.

terça-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2011

Vocabulary test

You have ten seconds to choose the correct answer. Try it!

sexta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2011

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

This day is celebrated on December 3rd since 1882. Here is the message of the Secretary General of the United Nations:

“Together for a better world for all
including persons with disabilities in development”
3 December 2011

It is thirty years since the United Nations first observed the International Year of Disabled Persons under the theme “Full Participation and Equality”. During that period, there has been significant progress in raising awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities and in strengthening the international normative framework to realize those rights – from the World Programme of Action (1982) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006).

More and more countries are committing to protecting and promoting the rights of persons with disabilities. However, many challenges remain. Persons with disabilities experience higher rates of poverty and deprivation and are twice as likely to lack health care. Employment rates of persons with disabilities in some countries are as low as one-third of that of the overall population. In developing countries, the gap in primary school attendance rates between children with disabilities and others ranges from 10 per cent to 60 per cent.

This multi-dimensional exclusion represents a huge cost, not only to persons with disabilities but to society as a whole. This year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities reminds us that development can only be sustainable when it is equitable, inclusive and accessible for all. Persons with disabilities need therefore to be included at all stages of development processes, from inception to monitoring and evaluation.

Addressing negative attitudes, the lack of services or ready access to them, and other harmful social, economic and cultural barriers will benefit all of society.

On this International Day of Persons with Disabilities, I call on governments, civil society and the global community to work for and alongside persons with disabilities to achieve inclusive, sustainable and equitable development worldwide

segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

More practice on countable and uncountable nouns

If you want to test your knowledge on this subject, you have an interesting site here.
Countable and Uncountable Nouns , by
Find this and other countables - uncountables exercises in English Exercises .org
Depois de abrires a página clica em Fullscreen e resolve os exercícios.

Para os alunos do 8º ano

O teste consistirá no seguinte, como de costume:

Texto (food)
Interpretação: A - True /false (justificar todas as escolhas)
B - Perguntas sobre o texto

A- Countable/uncountable Nouns
B- How much/ how many
C- Past Simple
D- Questions words
A- Eating habits

sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011

The day after

O dia a seguir ao "Thanksgiving" chama-se "Black Friday" e tem uma palavra de ordem: Comprar até não poder mais...
Este artigo explica-te o que se passou no dia de hoje.

Ementa de hoje

We are celebtrating Thanksgiving with a special menu. Enjoy your meal!

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

Thanksgiving Day (Dia de Ação de Graças)

A quarta 5ª feira do mês de novembro corresponde a uma data muito importante nos Estados Unidos e no Canadá.Comemora-se o Dia de Ação de Graças (Thanksgiving Day). Neste artigo podes ler bastante informação sobre a data festiva.
No entanto, podemos dizer-te quais são os principais motivos de celebração:
- Agradecimento aos Indios por terem ensinado os "Pilgrims" (os primeiros colonos do continente norte americano)a cozinhar;
- Festejo das colheitas;
- Troca de presentes;
- Início da época natalícia na 6ª feira seguinte(Black Friday, que marca um dia de grandes gastos em compras para o Natal).

Amanhã será comemorado o dia na nossa escola com um almoço onde pontificará o tradicional peru assado.

quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

This video will show you how to use countable and uncountable nouns. It is also about vocabulary related to food.
Pay attention and use it as a helper for your test.

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011

British Meals

What do they eat up there in Britain? One thing you can say is that it probably isn't as good as in Portugal.Have a look in here.

More information about British meals in here.

Food - vegetables

Do you want to review the names of some vegetables? Click here to listen to the British English version.
You can learn the differences between British and American English here

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

Past Simple and Past Continuous

You can download the worksheet and practice your tenses.

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011

Degrees of Adjectives

Can you compare two people or two things in English?
What do you do to choose one thing among many?

This presentation is about the comparative and the superlative degrees of adjectives. Have fun and don't be afraid to ask, if you have any doubt.

quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

The past simple

Go to the page on this link and do the exercises using the past simple.
Next, you can watch the slideshow posted on this page and complete the sentences about it

segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

How big was the world when you were born?

The world has reached 7 billion inhabitants. How big was the population when you were born? Insert your birthdate and find out. Just click on the title of the message or here.

Animal sounds

Do you know that many animals are in danger? Yes, they are facing extinction. If they become extinct, your children will know them only from books, like the dinossaurs.On this link, you can discover some endangered animals and locate them on the map. Just click on the arrows and read the information in the box.
You can also explore the right bar of the site and watch a video or look for more activities to do.
Meanwhile. you can play this game where you must identify the sounds animals make.

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

British and American English

Click on the title of the message and you'll have access to a small clip about British and American English. After watching it, complete the exercise below.

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011

Holidays and travel

On this episode of Mr. Bean you can have some fun watching him as he gets in trouble, as usual. This time he checks in a hotel by the beach...

After watching the film you can go to this link and do page 3 of "Mr. Bean movie worksheet". It's the second worksheet.

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011

Garfield and Odie

Here is a game for you. Read the instructions and try to catch the ball.

The present continuous

Click on the title and and try your skills as a penalty striker. As you do it, you will practice your tenses.

terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

Be very careful with your life.

On this video you can see a young boy (12 years old) crossing a railway line (caminho de ferro). It was a very stupid thing to do because he almost got hit by the train.
Remember: always think twice before taking any risks

Podes ler mais sobre o assunto aqui.

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

Will and won't

Click on the title to learn some more about the future (will/won't).
At the bottom of the page there is an interactive exercise for you to do.

Climate Change - Glossary

The pupils on the 9th grade will start talking about climate changes, their causes and consequences. Here is a list of words that will help you to understand the subject.

quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

What a wonderful world!

For those on the 7th grade, here is the original song by Sam Cooke.

terça-feira, 26 de abril de 2011

Invest in women

Women can change their communities if they get the chance. Equal rights and opportunities are the key to human development. This year, try to think about the millions of girls who can't go to school. Wouldn't the world gain a lot with them?

Education for all

Durante a semana de 2 a 8 de Maio, decorre a Semana de Acção Global pela Educação. O mote deste ano é a educação para as raparigas e mulheres.
Watch the video and discuss the implications of education for all.

quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

Dia dos Projectos e Clubes - Karaoke

Como sabem, o dia 8 de Abril é o último dia de aulas. Como é habitual, vamos ter a actividade "Dia dos Projectos e Clubes". Os alunos podem participar na actividade ensaiando uma destas canções, em Inglês, e fazendo a sua inscrição. As canções podem ser encontradas em Participa!
Podes descarregar a lista de canções aqui em baixo, onde está uma seta (download).

The future (Will and Going to)

This is a bit complicated to understand because, most times, the speaker has got different intentions in mind, when he/she is talking about the future.

Have a look at this link, read the explanation and do the exercises.

The past simple - worksheet

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011

Game: Irregular verbs

Hello boys and girls. Here is a game where you can practice your irregular verbs. You can form teams and play to reach the highest score.

Olá pessoal do 7º ano. Temos aqui nesta ligação um jogo para praticares os verbos irregulares no Past Simple.
Se estiveres com amigos ou amigas, podes jogar à vez e tentar atingir a pontuação mais elevada.

segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

Revising verb tenses and structures

Tal como prometido ao nono ano, ficam aqui alguns exercícios para treinar os tempos verbais.
Aqui é sobre a negativa em todos os tempos.

Os verbos irregulares mais frequentes estão aqui.

As frases condicionais (conditional sentences) estão prontas para o teste nesta ligação.

Os pronomes relativos têm aqui um bom exercício.

sábado, 5 de março de 2011

Game: Shopping

In this game you must buy the products of a shopping list. You must be quick and find the items in the supermarket.

Daily Routine - game

A game to test your speed and attention in building sentences about daily routine. Click in the right bubble.
Um jogo para testar a tua rapidez e capacidade de construir frases sobre a daily routine. Clica nas bolhas pela ordem certa.

quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

At; On ; In

Another interactive exercise for you. Practice, once again, your prepostions of time. Click here and write the correct word in the blank space.

Word order

We have been practicing the correct word order in sentences. Click here to do an exercise about this subject. You may also practice your wh- questions.

quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Prepositions of time (at, on, in)

Para treinares as preposições de tempo, carrega nesta ligação e completa o exercício. Depois podes tentar este jogo muito engraçado sobre o mesmo tema. Tenta mandar o professor à água (ele é o pirata).
Practice your time prepositions by completing the exercise on the first link.Then, you can play a very funny game where you must put the teacher (pirate) walking the plank (andar na prancha).

The house

Click here to go to a fantastic site with lots of vocabulary and exercises about the house. Explore the image of the house and find out what people do in the rooms.

segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2011

We are the champions - Present Perfect practice

This is a song about someone who is proud of what he has done in the past and intends to go on in the future.

Listen to the song, complete the lyrics and translate them to Portuguese.

Queen - "We are the champions"
I____________ paid my dues
Time after time
I've ___________ my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've ____________ a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through

We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are the champions - of the world

I've _____________ my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it
I thank you all

But it's ____________ no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise -
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I aint gonna lose -

We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting - till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are the champions - of the world