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There are more documents and presentations waiting for you on the link above.

quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

At; On ; In

Another interactive exercise for you. Practice, once again, your prepostions of time. Click here and write the correct word in the blank space.

Word order

We have been practicing the correct word order in sentences. Click here to do an exercise about this subject. You may also practice your wh- questions.

quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Prepositions of time (at, on, in)

Para treinares as preposições de tempo, carrega nesta ligação e completa o exercício. Depois podes tentar este jogo muito engraçado sobre o mesmo tema. Tenta mandar o professor à água (ele é o pirata).
Practice your time prepositions by completing the exercise on the first link.Then, you can play a very funny game where you must put the teacher (pirate) walking the plank (andar na prancha).

The house

Click here to go to a fantastic site with lots of vocabulary and exercises about the house. Explore the image of the house and find out what people do in the rooms.