Este blogue tem uma ligação...

Está aqui! É só desceres até ao fundo da página que vai abrir e descarregar aquilo que te for indicado.
There are more documents and presentations waiting for you on the link above.

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

More conditional sentences

Aqui está um link sugerido pela vossa colega Andreia. Bom trabalho. Clica aqui.

sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2012

Rick Allen and his disability

Watch the interview with a drummer that lost his arm in a car crash. Rick Allen is the drummer of the rock band "Def Leppard". What is his disability? He didn't give up and sarted playing again. You can activate subtitles (in English) at the bottom of the frame, on the left os the "definitions" button. This may be useful for your test.

Human Rights

Deixo um desafio para depois do teste que faremos na próxima semana: elaborar um cartaz que ilustre um dos direitos humanos consagrados na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos (aqui) Constituiremos grupos para esse fim e o resultado final será um cartaz A3 com ilustração, foto, recortes e o texto do Direito que escolheram. Esta página tem muita informação sobre o assunto And this is the page of the United Nations for Human Rights This is the challenge: present an A3 poster ilustrating one of the Human Rights that you can find on the links.

quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2012

Conditional sentences one and two

The text is comming. Try these exercises in order to get the best mark you can. Try all exercises of types I and II

domingo, 18 de novembro de 2012

Revision game

Neste post podes jogar e fazer revisões sobre uma série de temas. Experimenta! Pressiona aqui.

ENGLISH IS EASY: Game: Irregular verbs

ENGLISH IS EASY: Game: Irregular verbs

Click on the title and play a game about irregular verbs.

segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2012

Past simple or Past Continuous?

If you have any doubts about the correct use of the past simple together with the past continuous, you can go to your student's book or check this webpage . Next, you must practise your tenses: click here. After finishing this exercise here successfuly, you are ready to get a good mark at any test about these tenses. Congratulations!

sexta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2012

quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2012

Work emails

You are too young to be getting "work emails". However, this is a useful piece if you want to practise your listening and understanding of English. It's a 6 minute lesson and the objective is to answer the question placed before the "listen" button. As you listen, there are a number of words that you may not know. Help is on the "+" icon. . Click here to start your lesson.

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012

Listening Comprehension

Here is an interesting way of practising your listening skills. Listen to the people talking and choose the right options below. After you have finished, you can check your answers. Click here. The subject of the conversation isn't new for those in 9th grade: immigration and customs. If you are interested in further exercises, you can try the vocabulary activities that come after the listening exercise.

quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012

The present continuous or present progressive

This is a very interesting lesson by teacher Jennifer. Listen to her and try to do the tasks she asks. A aula é sobre o present continuous (progressive). Há perguntas e respostas. A pessoa com quem a professora está a conversar é estrangeira e tem alguma dificuldade em usar a língua fluentemente. É como nós: temos que ser empenhados e praticar. Se tiveres alguma dúvida, usa a caixa de comentários.

Please and Thank you

These two expressions seem to be a little forgotten by our students as the new year beggins. Here is a lesson that can help you broaden your vocabulary, and your politeness...

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012

Travel vocabulary

Let's start with this exercise. Next, if you want to practise your past simple, complete this one here. If you are really interested in understanding what you read, you should take these exercises (reading/comprehension) How about practicing your question words (Wh- questions)? Take this exercise.

quinta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2012


The objective is to listen to the words and write them correctly. Try it more than once. It's fun! Click here

sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2012

How to draw Dragons.

Yes, my students like dragons because it is their favourite club's emblem. Have a look at this here.
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." This is an English proverb. It means that without time off from work, a person becomes both bored and boring. So, let's listen to some good music. You can also do a research on this band. Don't forget to comment whether you liked it or not.

London Olympics 2012

Hello everybody! A new school year is approaching.How about starting practicing your writing? Certainly you have watched the Olympic Games on TV. Are you in the mood to write something about your favourite moments or sports? Don't be lazy. Pick up your pen and say something, while it's fresh in your memory. We will be seing each other soon. Send your text to and I'll be glad to read about it. Kisses and hugs.

terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012

Listen to some Hollywood stars talking about their favourite films/movies.

segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012

Aqui tens alguns exercícios para praticares o discurso indireto. Carrega aqui.
Description of film genres. In other words, what kind of films are these?

quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2012

Reported Speech (statements)

Here is an introduction to the Reported Speech. Some things are known to you. Others need to be explained. If you have any doubts, just go to the comment box and write it.

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Which Ancient Classical character are you? Take this quiz and find out. Are you Hercules? Helen of Troy?

quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012

So many words ...

In Honor of St. Patrick's Day, Benjamin Franklin has recreated his list of over 220 "round-about" phrases for being drunk (originally published in "The Pennsylvania Gazette" in 1737).

London Quiz

Quizzes about London. Here is the first. In order to do the next one, you can start by reading the information on this page. Now, you can answer it.
Congratulations! You are now an expert on London.

domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

Wow! que grande novidade.

quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2012

Interactive exercises (clothes)

Nas ligações seguintes tens várias ligações para exercícios de vocabulário sobre o tema que estamos a estudar. Experimenta todas.
Sort out your clothes (escolher roupa para determinadas ocasiões)

Aqui são imensas actividades, desde jogos a textos.


Practice your vocabulary by pointing at the pictures. Click here and listen carefully.

Women's clothes can be found here.

domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012

Conditional Sentences (Type 1 and II)

Aparentemente, os alunos do 8º ano não entenderam muito bem como funcionam este tipo de frases. Vamos então rever a apresentação que passou na aula, acrescentada de mais uns exercícios. Para além daqueles, temos nesta ligação muito mais para treinar.

sexta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2012


The six newspapers in the Europa project were asked to stereotype each other, and then asked cultural commentators in each country to assess how accurate they are.
Que ideias pré-concebidas têm os europeus uns sobre os outros? O jornal Guardian, juntamente com cinco outros jornais do nosso continente fizeram este exercício e depois confrontaram especialistas no assunto. O resultado é bastante interessante e está aqui.

Comparative and Superlative

A video about the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Which is the most beautiful country in the world? Who cooks better?

Many documents for you.

Se ainda não carregaste nas palavras "está aqui", logo no topo do blogue, podes fazê-lo aqui. Vá lá, carrega aqui. Tens muita coisa para rever sobre aquilo onde tens dificuldades. Se precisares de alguma matéria em especial, deixa um comentário no final da mensagem. É muito fácil, não tenhas vergonha.

segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2012






sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2012

Reading comprehension

Here are some stories for you to read and improve your understanding of the text.
"A mystery" is intended for students on the 9th grade.
Students on the 8th grade are welcome to read "The Rent Man"

Check your English

It's never too much to check what you have learnt. Click here and take the quizz. Read the instructions first.

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012

Degrees of Adjectives - worksheet

You can download this worksheet and practice your adjectives. Copy and paste the image to a word document.

segunda-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2012

Holidays and Homework

Hello, boys and girls.
In case you have forgotten, some of you had something to do during your Christmas Holidays...
It just won't do itself, you know?