Está aqui!É só desceres até ao fundo da página que vai abrir e descarregar aquilo que te for indicado. There are more documents and presentations waiting for you on the link above.
This is an activity for the students in grade 7. However, if you are not sure about how good you are, try this game. Try to get the highest score by stopping the clock at the indicated time. When you're ready press the title or here to play the game.
Like all languages, the English language has evolved with the passing of the times. On this link you will find a brief history of its evolution, marked by five crucial events.
This link will take you to a map where you can discover countries where child labour is used in many products. Click in the yellow bubbles to find out whre and what these slave children produce. You may even be using some of them.
What do you always do? What do you sometimes like to do? Here is a video that can help you practise your adverbs. It will be helpful to describe your daily routine. It's not a very easy video. So, if you need help, just ask your teacher.
Para treinares as relações de parentesco, tens aqui no link, um exercício muito útil. Se não souberes, carrega em "Hint".Contudo, ao pedires ajuda, perdes pontuação. Here is a family tree to test your knowledge about family relations.
The lyrics to this song are all mixed up. Put them in the right order. Translate the song into Portuguese.
Katie Melua - "If you were a sailboat"
If I was in jail I know you’d spring me, If I was a telephone you’d ring me all day long. If I was in pain I know you’d sing me soothing songs.
If you were a cowboy I would trail you, If you were a piece of wood I’d nail you to the floor. If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore. If you were a river I would swim you, If you were a house I would live in you all my days. If you were a preacher I’d begin to change my ways.
If I was hungry you would feed me, If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light. If I was a book I know you’d read me every night.
Sometimes I believe in fate, But the chances we create, Always seem to ring more true. You took a chance on loving me, I took a chance on loving you.
If you were a cowboy I would trail you, If you were a piece of wood I’d nail you to the floor. If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If you were sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If I was in jail I know you’d spring me, If I was a telephone you’d ring me all day long. If I was in pain I know you’d sing me soothing songs.
Sometimes I believe in fate, But the chances we create, Always seem to ring more true. You took a chance on loving me, I took a chance on loving you.
Em Português, o Dia de Acção de Graças. Originariamente, um dia consagrado ao agradecimento pelas boas colheitas. Celebra-se, nos Estados Unidos, na quarta 5ª feira do mês de Novembro. No Canadá é celebrado na segunda 2ª feira de Outubro. O dia foi perdendo o seu carácter religioso e agora é conhecido pelo "Dia do Perú" "Thanksgiving Day, known informally as Turkey Day, is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Thanksgiving was a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed of material possessions and relationships. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. This holiday has since moved away from its religious roots. In the United States, Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday in October." (Wikipedia) Click here for some pictures.
These two words have seen a rise in ther usage for the last 10 years. Do you want to find out how much? Click on the title and and have a look at the graph at the bottom of the page. Follow the instructions to interact with it.
Let's stop for a moment and enjoy a fantastic song by the "Muse". Look at the crowd. Aren't they happy? I think it's great. What about you? Leave a comment. Deixa um comentário.
As coisa correram bem na festa organizada pela Rádio Escola e pelo grupo de professores e professoras de Inglês. Aqui ficam alguns momentos do acontecimento. Podes votar na sondagem que está ao lado esquerdo. Diz-nos a tua opinião sobre a festa, se é que lá estiveste.
Lista dos vencedores e prémios do Concurso de Abóboras: 1º- Gil/João/André (7º F) - Abóbora nº 14 2º- Abóbora nº 15 (CEF - Bombeiros 1) 3º Anabela/ Ana Raquel (8º B) - Abóbora nº 6
Os trabalhos premiados ganharam direito a receber um CD musical. O prémio será entregue na festa de Halloween hoje à noite. Se os vencedores não estiverem presentes, o prémio ser-lhes-à entregue na respectiva turma.
You have watched a film about a man stuck at an airport: "Terminal". Many of the words and expressions that you can find on this exercise were there. Listen to the man talking. You can try other exercises that come after the word list.
This is for the students on the 7th grade. Can you use personal pronouns and possessive determiners correctly? Click on the title to take a test on this subject. Ao pressionares o título desta mensagem, serás direccionado para uma página na qual poderás fazer um teste sobre o assunto aí enunciado.
Hey, Halloween is almost here. Start thinking about your pumpkin. There will be prizes for those who are creative enough. Have a look at last year's pumpkins. Click here.
Take this test to practice what you have learnt last week. Click on the title. It's about personal identification and nationalities. If you want to practice some more, click here.
Olá alunos do 7º ano. Vamos começar o ano por trabalhar os nosso dados pessoais. Como pedir e dar informações pessoais? Tens aqui um exercício interessante: carrega nas palavras pela ordem na qual devem aparecer na frase. No espaço em branco aparecerão aquelas que escolheres. Lê as instruções. No final podes verificar se acertaste ou se precisas de rever algo. No topo da página tens outros exercícios sobre o mesmo tema.
Hello. Welcome to a new year schoolyear on our blog. Do you want to improve your writing? Are you confused about commas or colons? Click on the title of the post and look for examples of correct usage of the punctuation marks.
Ao carregares nesta ligação, encontarás uma página da Oxford Dictionaries na qual poderás explorar a imagem, passando o rato sobre a mesma. É tudo sobre vocabulário ligado ao futebol -football/soccer (US). No fundo da página há mais ligações para todo o vocabulário essencial para poderes compreender um jogo que ouças narrado em Inglês.
Para não esquecermos nada do que aprendemos durante o ano, ficam aqui algumas ligações onde poderás encontrar vocabulário, gramática, exercícios de "listening" e outras curiosidades. Tudo o que tens a fazer é carregar onde diz aqui. Geralmente, é só carregar ou arrastar a imagem. Aqui tens o primeiro sobre vocabulário. O segundo é sobre um conhecido "skater" - Tony Hawk. É um texto para ler aqui e completar com as palavras que estão ao lado. Não chega, queres mais desafios? Ok! Aqui tens um aparentemente fácil. No topo da página está um índice para vários níveis de língua. Os níveis americanos para os nossos 7º a 9º são ligeiramente diferentes. Quer isto dizer que se tens 14 anos podes estar no 9th ou 10th grade. Se precisares de ajuda de um dicionário, tens este aqui.
Hey! The football World Cup is nearly starting. This year it will take place in South Africa . As you know, there are many varieties of English. Would you recognize South African English? Here is a video that shows some typical expressions used in that country. Listen to it carefully. I personally liked "hundredsss"
-The present perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished:"I have eaten two ice-creams this week" (the week is not finished) -The simple past is used when the time period HAS finished:"I ate three ice-creams last week" (last week is finished)
-The present perfect is often used when giving recent news:"Jack has broken his arm again" (recent news) -The simple past is used when giving older information:"Jack broke his arm last year"
-The present perfect is used when the time is not specific:"I have already read that book" (I don't remember when) -The simple past is used when the time is clear:"I read that book last month"
-The present perfect is used with for and since, when the actions have not finished yet:"I have lived in this city since 2000" (I still live here) -The simple past is used with for and since, when the actions have already finished:"I lived in this city for a long time" (I don't live here now)
To practise these structures, click on the title of the post and watch this presentation.
Images of perfect people and perfect bodies are everywhere. You can see them on TV commercials, newspaper ads, films,... Many teenagers and older women and men, try to follow those models and sometimes suffer negative consequences of that intention; Eating disorders are very commom these days. If you have problems with your body image you should talk to your friends or your parents. Your teachers will be a good help too because they deal with hundreds of students everyday. Remember that the important thing in a person is not what you see on the outside. It's the inside that matters. This song may give you some inspiration.
Do you know what to do at a job interview? This clip gives you some tips (suggestions) about it. What clothes should you wear? Should you talk about your personal life story? What documents should you carry? Should you wear some perfume?
Do you know the expression "the camera never lies"? Well, this video is about this expression. Os jovens têm a tendência a seguir modelos de comportamento que nem sempre são os melhores. Então quando falamos do mundo da moda, dos filmes ou da música actual e do modo como são fabricados os ídolos, quase tudo se revela uma grande mentira. Este vídeo mostra como facilmente somos manipulados e levados a crer que as estrelas que admiramos são extraordinárias. A beleza não tem que ser artificial. Todos nós temos beleza, é só procurá-la. Falando, convivendo, brincando e rindo, vamos conhecendo os outros. Talvez consigamos descobrir pessoas bonitas onde, aparentemente, não esperavamos.
This a simple comparison between the use of the Past Simple and the Present Perfect. In very simple terms, we use the Past Simple to describe actions that occured in a specific point in the past. The Present Perfect is used to describe actions that happened in the past, but we don't exactly know when. If you click on the title of the message, you will find many exercises to practise this tense. At the bottom of the page there is also useful grammar information about the subject.
Climate changes have made their first victims: the Yup'ik Eskimos are the first climate refugees. You can read about this sad situation in The Guardian newspaper
You can read about the same subject in Portuguese in the Público newspaper
For you people on the 9th grade. Do you remember the story of Viktor Navorsky, the man who lived in Gate 67, in the film "The Terminal"? Well, here is a case when fantasy becomes reality: whatch this video and compare the two situations.
Still having trouble with your questions? Here is a very clear explanation on how to use the wh- words. I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. Rudyard Kipling Read the information carefully and complete the activities.
Hello people! Here we are, ready for another term. For those on the 9th grade, why not start with some exercises to wake up your brains? Yes, it's time to work on your conditionals! Just click here and get it right.
Estás a ser vítima de bullying? Há alguém que te insulta, humilha, tira dinheiro ou agride? Envia uma mensagem para O que escreveres será confidencial. Isto quer dizer que ninguém saberá quem tu és, excepto a pessoa que recebe a mensagem.Não fiques calado/a!
Human Calendar - Hoje é o dia ....
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