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terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

-The present perfect is used when the time period has NOT finished:"I have eaten two ice-creams this week" (the week is not finished)
-The simple past is used when the time period HAS finished:"I ate three ice-creams last week" (last week is finished)

-The present perfect is often used when giving recent news:"Jack has broken his arm again" (recent news)
-The simple past is used when giving older information:"Jack broke his arm last year"

-The present perfect is used when the time is not specific:"I have already read that book" (I don't remember when)
-The simple past is used when the time is clear:"I read that book last month"

-The present perfect is used with for and since, when the actions have not finished yet:"I have lived in this city since 2000" (I still live here)
-The simple past is used with for and since, when the actions have already finished:"I lived in this city for a long time" (I don't live here now)

To practise these structures, click on the title of the post and watch this presentation.

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