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sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Body Image and the media

Images of perfect people and perfect bodies are everywhere. You can see them on TV commercials, newspaper ads, films,...
Many teenagers and older women and men, try to follow those models and sometimes suffer negative consequences of that intention; Eating disorders are very commom these days.
If you have problems with your body image you should talk to your friends or your parents. Your teachers will be a good help too because they deal with hundreds of students everyday.
Remember that the important thing in a person is not what you see on the outside. It's the inside that matters.
This song may give you some inspiration.

Now that you have listened to it go to this site and do the exercise called Body Image (at the bottom of the page.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

well, I will say something complicate....

... I hate that song!...

I'm so, so sorry, but I can't be quiet!!!

P.S. I don't liked the song, but I like your blog very much!!! Public more things, please!

kisses, kisses and kisses