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terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2009

More messages... CEF Cozinha 2

I went to the fountain to drink

But when I saw you

I forgot my thirst

Because your thirst I received.
Paulo Neto

Only when the rocks speak and the water stops running,
will I stop wanting you.


You are the best thing of my life!
I will stay with you forever.
You are my best friend...
Helder Vieira
A friend isn't that that makes you smile with lies
But that that makes you cry with the truth.
Love is gratitude
Yours are my thoughts
Deeper, more subtle.
Near you I am myself
Completely happy.
How can I thank you?
So much light, so much emotion!
I love you, my little sweet heart.
Carlos, nº5
If I offered you a present the size of my love,
I would offer you the world.
Carlos, nº6
I did an exam and I got a zero
Because in all the questions I answered that I wanted you!
I admire you for what you are not for what you have or for what you do,
What you have evybody may have, what you do everybody may do.
But like you no one can be.
If between two rocks a flower is born, why isn't there love between us?
There are many doctors in this world
But no one knows the feeling
A kiss on the mouth feels like in the heart.
João Pedro
My heart beats 100km an hour for you!
If you want to know who I am
Go ask the moon!
I am the son of a star
That was born to love you.
Everybody knows that we aren't eternal
But we spend life psushing it - tomorrow I will do it...
Tomorrow I will say...
Tomorrow I will go...
But there will be a day when there won't be a tomorrow...
And the words and the feelings will die inside us.
And after all it is so simple to say "I love you so much!"
I want to love,
To love desperately,
Loving for the sake of loving
Here... there... this one and that one
The other and everybody... to love! To love!
And not love any one!
Remember? Forget? Indifferent!
To arrest? or set free? Is it bad?
Is it good?
Love looks like the sun,
In the morning it starts to shine
And at night it is the sunset.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Olá mor
Mas qe fofinho (:
Beijinhos JoanaNetinha :P
Amo-te bebé